Capture Trust revolutionizes biometric authentication with its disruptive on-device technology, offering innovative fingerprint and face recognition solutions. Our founders, as founding members of the FIDO Alliance, bring unparalleled expertise and vision to the company.

Supported by a world-class R&D team specializing in cybersecurity, AI, and ML, ensures cutting-edge security and user experience.

Our technology processes all biometric data on the device, safeguarding privacy and enhancing reliability, making us a leader in the mobile biometric authentication industry.


The architecture of demonstrates a robust, mobile-first, and touchless approach, designed to seamlessly integrate biometric identity verification processes into various use cases, such as KYC (Know Your Customer), onboarding, and authentication. Key elements:

  • Native SDK.
  • Touchless and remote operation.
  • Serverless processing.
  • Multi-modal biometric capabilities.
  • Interoperability with third-party databases.
  • Real-Time validation and compliance.
  • Scalable across use cases.

Complete Digital ID Suite

One stop shop for all your biometric needs (Finger, Face & ID), OCR and matchers:

  • Finger: Fingerprint recognition solution that allows identification/verification of people through a mobile device.
  • Face:Facial recognition solution that allows identification/verification of people through a mobile device.
  • Digital ID: allows the issuance of a secure digital identity to users, ensuring that issuers can verify their identity through third-party databases.

Broad Platform Support

Accessible from nearly any smartphone whether low, medium, or high-end:

  • 1.3 MP camera (face).
  • 5MP camera (finger).
  • Android.
  • iOS.
  • Web (Chrome, Safari, Firefox, Edge, Samsung Browser).
  • Hybrid platforms.


Several standard biometric template formats.

  • ISO 19794-5 recommendations for face:
    • Shadow detection.
    • Head position (left/right; up/down).
    • Eyes visibility detection.
    • Face occlusion detection.
    • Multiple face detection.
    • Capture distance to ensure required geometry.
  • Biometric Quality Score to predict image utility.
  • Most interoperable mobile touchless finger capture according to NIST CRADA.
  • Easy to integrate via mobile SDK.
  • FIDO Alliance certified.

Secure and private by design

Secure SDK:

  • Anti-tampering encrypted software.
  • Privacy by design for on-device operation.
  • Face matcher evaluated by NIST FVT.
  • Finger matcher evaluated by NIST PFT.
  • ISO 30107-3 Compliant Liveness.
  • ISO 27001 Certified.
  • Protection in relation to stored data. (Android KeyStore or iOS KeyChain).
  • Robust against deep fake (passive liveness).
  • Images encrypted with AES256/RSA-OAEP.
  • Protection against reverse engineering, emulators, virtual cameras, app cloning, injections, and memory hooks.

Best in class UX

Best user experience:

  • Automatic capture approx. 3 secs.
  • Fully customizable UI.
  • No lag during image capture.
  • No need for internet - no connectivity required.


On-device focus:

  • No server dependence.
  • Infrastructure reduction.
  • Network traffic reduction.
  • Passive liveness and match on-device.
  • Technology to perform 1:1 authentication and 1:N identification. Fully compatible with biometric legacy DB.

Performed more than 1 billion transactions.